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Yoga Nidra Immersion with Certification Option

Kamini Desai 

Author, Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational Sleep

Solheimar Eco Village, Solheimar, Iceland

Organized by Jogasetrid in Iceland

Course Overview: Everything You Need to Know

Course Overview: Everything You Need to Know
What is Yoga Nidra?
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What is Yoga Nidra?

The I AM Method and Lineage of Yoga Nidra-How We Differ.
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The I AM Method and Lineage of Yoga Nidra-How We Differ.

I AM Yoga Nidra: Journey Through the Chakras led by Kamini Desai - NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)
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I AM Yoga Nidra: Journey Through the Chakras led by Kamini Desai - NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)

Why Intentions Don't Work Without This Technique
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Why Intentions Don't Work Without This Technique

November 22-25 (Immersion) and December 5-8 (Certification), 2019

The art of sleeping meditation that awakens your true nature...

Become the Master of Your Life

Why Yoga Nidra?


Yoga Nidra is a Therapeutic Yoga technique that initiates shifts in conscious sleep states where change happens outside of our doing. 


It is a profound state of mindfulness meditation: combining breath, body and awareness techniques to take you into deeper brainwave states than traditional mindfulness meditation. 


In this highly regenerative meditative state you can restore and rejuvenate your body, heal and recover from illness and re-wire your brain for greater mental and emotional balance and resilience. 


It changes your reaction patterns and helps you to 'let go'.


It is a sleep based meditation technique and a practice of awareness at the deepest level of relaxation.


It brings you in a state of  ‘ZERO STRESS ZONE”.


It utilizes ancient meditation techniques and it unlocks your self-destructive habits and

behavior patterns such as:

•   stress

•   habits & addictions 

•   trauma/PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) 

•   insomnia

•   depression and anxiety

Is this related to Mindfulness?

Yes, Yoga Nidra is Mindful Sleep. It is made up of  a series of Mindfulness techniques including breath, body and awareness techniques that allow the individual to naturally alpha, theta and delta brainwave states with no effort or struggle. While typical Mindfulness practices use one technique at a time to bring an individual to the alpha brainwave state, Yoga Nidra uses a series of Mindfulness techniques specifically structured to take the practitioner past the typical alpha brainwave state and into theta and even delta brainwave states. Here the  body can profoundly restore its reserves and the mind can regain its undisturbed calmness.

Typical Mindfulness practices often involve some form of effort to enter a space of neutral awareness. In Yoga Nidra,  rather than efforting to be Mindful,  Mindfulness naturally arises. The less you do, the more it happens. You cannot do it wrong. Most people say they go into a much deeper meditation and restoration state with Yoga Nidra than with other meditation and Mindfulness techniques. Yoga Nidra is as old as Yoga. Hidden within this ancient form of Mindful sleep are the secrets to restoring your health, your energy, your vitality, peace of mind and connection to the spark of spirit within you.

Does Yoga Nidra Help Depression and Anxiety?

Yes. Yoga Nidra as a form of meditation has been shown to be one of the most effective techniques for addressing the root cause of depression and anxiety. Depression is often associated with a change in sleep pattern. And in fact 97 percent of individuals reported seeing a relationship between their depression and changes in their sleep. One such change that has been noted is that prior to a depressive episode an individual will enter directly into REM (dream) sleep, circumventing the usual deep theta and delta brainwave states that usually precede the dream state. It has been postulated that this may be preventing the discharge of negative emotions over time. Yoga Nidra can help re-set the sleep cycle and help you gently and naturally discharge unresolved emotions over time. In addition, long term stress and the extended presence of cortisol in the system causes brain changes associated with both depression and anxiety. In Yoga Nidra Cortisol is removed from the system, and we see the natural release of serotonin, GABA, oxytocin  and a host of other substances that aid in mood regulation and keep the nervous system calm.

Course Options

A unique meditation training that  can be taken in two parts. Immersion & Certification

The course will be held in Solheimar, Retreat Center, Eco Village – an hour away from Reykjavik.

Entire Training 240.000 ISK. Includes all materials and Yoga Nidra Cards

Immersion Only 120.000 ISK.includes manual

Immersion hours count towards certification and must be completed before the certification course. 

Yoga Nidra Immersion: November 22-25, 2019

Friday  10 am to Monday 3pm
Eight days that can change your life forever. The art of sleeping meditation that awakens your true nature. Become the master of your life.

Note: The second session may only be taken upon completion of the first. For certification both sessions are required. Language: English

Yoga Nidra meditation has the power to take you to the innermost, deepest levels of relaxation where your whole body and being is restored to its natural state of health, vitality and peace. This course of study will help you restore your health, release the effects of chronic excess tension, and regain restorative sleep. Take a break from the demands of life that have kept you running, without time to rest and rejuvenate!


Yoga Nidra Immersion:*

  • Induces deeper more restful sleep. Profoundly heals and restore the body’s reserves.

  • Cultivates greater resilience to stress

  • Leaves you feeling energized, detoxified and rejuvenated. Looking younger and more radiant.

  • Enhances concentration and focus

  • Accelerates the healing process, and much, much more…


Participation in this unique in-depth yoga nidra immersion leaves you with rich insight into your own life and how the ancient wisdom of yoga can help you move through challenges, blocks, and transitions. Understand how thoughts are constantly affecting your health and how the power of intention can help you maximize your healing potential. Learn how to restore the body’s energy reserves, and create a different relationship with the stress-producing mind. After eleven sessions of yoga nidra, you will feel what science has shown. Measurable changes will have taken place in key areas of the brain that allow you to remain calm, centered and steady.

Yoga Nidra Certification:
December 5-8, 2019

Thursday 10 am to Sunday 3pm
Pre-requisite: Yoga Nidra Immersion

Yoga Nidra Certification is a continuation of the Yoga Nidra Immersion. This course of study deepens and enhances your understanding of the scientific basis of yoga nidra. We will look into research verifying its benefits and the changes happening in the brain while in yoga nidra. Combining science and the ancient wisdom of yoga, you will understand how to apply yoga nidra to conditions such as:

  • Stress

  • Habits and Addictions

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia

This course of advanced study will give you the skills to guide others in yoga nidra, but is also appropriate for your own transformation. You will receive your own unique yoga nidra card deck system which will allow you to easily create your own yoga nidra experiences.

This training is an excellent addition for psychologists, mindfulness practitioners, bodyworkers, yoga teachers, health, helping professionals, hypnotherapists and energy healers looking for new tools to serve their clients.

Daily Schedule:

Thursday: 10am-1pm, and 3pm – 6:30pm
Friday/Saturday: 7:15am -8:30am,10am -1pm, and 3pm -6:30pm
Sunday: 7:15am-8:30am, 9:30am-12:30pm,1:30pm-3pm

* This four day session may be taken separately for individual learning and experience.

Please note that a few hours of this session and related materials will be reserved for those considering participation in BOTH four day trainings.

What is Included

  • Accommodation and vegetarian meals

  • Full training

  • Yoga Nidra Manual and Yoga Nidra Cards

  • Certification


What to bring:

  • Bring a yoga mat and whatever you need to sit and lie on the floor or in a chair comfortably.       Equipment is also available at the location but bring anything you want to be sure to have.

  • We will do yoga nidra at least twice a day. Bring whatever you may need to lie down comfortably (sitting against the wall or in a chair is also an option).

  • Bring a shawl or blanket to cover yourself.

  • Bring water in a container with a sealable lid.

  • Bring a notebook and pen.

  • Wear comfortable clothing.

Kamini Desai, Ph.D.
is the Education Director of the Amrit Yoga Institute. Over the past 25 years Kamini, author of Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational Sleep has created an exciting and unique body of teachings incorporating western psychology and eastern philosophy. Considered an expert in the science of yoga nidra, yoga therapy, relaxation, and artful living, her practical and accessible teaching style has been welcomed throughout the United States and in over 10 countries around the world. For more information:,

Contact Form

Interested in the program?
Send us a message.

Solheimar Eco Village, Solheimar, Iceland

Full Certification: November 22-25, 2019 & December 5-8, 2019, 
240.000 ISK. including Manuals & Yoga Nidra cards

Immersion only: November 22-25, 2019 120.000 ISK. Euros includes manual

To Register:



Emma Seppala: Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Meditation Techniques as Treatments for Medical Illness

Albert J. Arias, Karen Steinberg, Alok Banga, and Robert L. Trestman. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medecine


Frequency of symptoms in melancholia (depressive illness)Hamilton M Br J Psychiatry. 1989 Feb; 154():201-6


NAPSAQ-1: National Patient Sleep Assessment Questionnaire in depression. Paterson LM, Nutt DJ, Wilson S Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 2009; 13(1):48-58

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